Reframing and Responding to Challenging Behavior

Course Number
CS01: 11_EN
When an educator has a concern about a child’s behavior, it is important to consider what may be influencing the behavior. One factor that has influenced child development and behavior is spending the first years of life in a pandemic world. We’ll take a closer look at some of the challenging behaviors that you are concerned about to consider what the child may be communicating through his/her behavior and possible strategies when responding.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify what a child may be communicating through their challenging behavior.
  • Describe strategies for addressing challenging behavior that responds to the child's current needs. 
  • Explore resources to support child guidance for young children.
Course Hours

Zaplánované události na tento Kurz

Target program type(s): Group Child Care & Family Child Care Programs

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: All ages

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.


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