Children with Sensory Processing Differences

Course Number
CS06: 06_EN
Do you know a child who just doesn’t seem to listen, or can’t sit still, or overreacts to everything? Children who have difficulty processing sensory input can also have challenges with behavior, communication, and carrying out everyday activities. Learn more about this complex disorder and how you can adapt your environment and interactions to support these children.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify the sensory processes and how they influence child development and behavior.
  • Use strategies to support children who have difficulty processing and integrating sensory input.
Course Hours

Geplante Veranstaltung(en) für diesen Kurs

Target program type(s): Group Child Care & Family Child Care Programs

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: All ages

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.


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