Getting Parents to Participate in Your Program

Course Number
CS14: 18_EN
Afterschool programs can be powerful partners working with families and can help youth to learn, grow and thrive in the program. Join us to share things you are doing in your program to involve families and learn new ways to get families involved. Participants will reflect on the importance of family involvement and create a list of practical ways to incorporate families in their daily programming.
  • Understand the value of incorporating parents in their OST program.
  • Reflect and share on how parents are currently participating in their program.
  • Create a list of ideas on how to build a parent component into their curriculum.

Schemalagd(a) händelse(r) för den här kursen

Target program type(s): O After School / Out-of-School Time

Target audience: Director/ Administrator / Site Coordinator

Target age group: All ages

Training Address: Online via Zoom

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must attend all sessions to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

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